速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Hungry Hub - Dining Offer App

Hungry Hub - Dining Offer App



檔案大小:106.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 泰文

Hungry Hub - Dining Offer App(圖1)-速報App

Want to enjoy a fixed price meal at top restaurants? Want to celebrate and looking for the best exclusive restaurant with affordable price? Tired of all the same old buffet places out there? HUNGRY HUB is your answer.

Hungry Hub is Thailand’s unique dining offer application. We offer an exclusive All You Can Eat concept at normal À la carte restaurants with a wide range list of more than 100 restaurants. Hungry Hub is simple to use and 100% FREE.

Book in 4 fast and easy steps

Search for the restaurant you like

Hungry Hub - Dining Offer App(圖2)-速報App

Choose date and time you prefer

Confirm your booking. An instant booking confirmation will be sent to your SMS

Arrive at the restaurant on time and show your booking ID

Free Booking and Free Cancellation

Hungry Hub - Dining Offer App(圖3)-速報App

Hungry Hub is 100% FREE. There is no hidden cost or any upfront payment required. You can modify or cancel your booking anytime and anywhere. You will pay only when you arrive at the restaurant.

What makes Hungry Hub unique?

Hungry Hub offers more than 100 restaurants with a wide variety of cuisines from Michelin recommended to popular food chains and small local restaurants. We help you control your budget with an All You Can Eat fixed price meal, so you know the price before you even take your first bite. Hungry Hub is always your best choice whenever you need a place to celebrate because you will know exactly how much the bill will come to.

Talk to us

Hungry Hub - Dining Offer App(圖4)-速報App

If you’ve booked with Hungry Hub before, please tell us what you think. Your thoughts are valuable to us. Contact our live support at support@hungryhub.com or Line Official @HungryHub

Download today and experience your first All You Can Eat meal!

Hungry Hub - Dining Offer App(圖5)-速報App
